Bio, Craft & Tech


Notes and Folds is an interactive installation that aims to create a connection between sound and form, and programming and handcraft. Three cylindrical sound sculptures are covered of pleated textiles with different textures that are mapped and translated into different musical patterns. The sculptures are activated by the public when approaching their hands to the fabric, making each cylinder rotate in different speeds and sound in different registers. In few words, the installation is a kind of spatial musical instrument in which pleated patterns work as a score.

The project is inspired in the work of Ada Lovelace, who related programming computational automata to make music. And also in the work of two twentieth century composers: Morton Feldman, who based some of his compositional techniques on the asymmetrical patterns of Middle Eastern rugs (e.g. Coptic Light for orchestra) and Conlon Nancarrow, with his complex compositions for pianolas that connect the artisan work with the programming when coding his music with perforations made by hand on paper rolls.

Production: Google Arts&Culture + Mobilier National

Sound Design: Rogelio Sosa

Renders: Leslie SanVicente

Programming: Aaron Soloway, Jonathan Tanant and Olivier Bau

Textile Design /  Atelier Tapisserie Décor du Mobilier National (Paris): Laure Dauvier,  Nathalie Celas, Fabienne Villiers, Sandrine Bandeira, Sandrine Delafoym Céline Deniset, Virginie Dubois, Nathalie Genest, Claire Gilbert, Sandrine Goulka, Florence Hélaine, Magali Sevrain, Hervé Socier, Leila Traore and Elisa Álvarez.